Turquoise Color:
Types of Turquoise Color:
Turquoise is the color of the gem turquoise. It is a slightly greenish shade of cyan. Turquoise is sometimes described as a mixture of pale blue and green. The name comes from the French for Turkish.
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Turquoise Color |
There are six type of Turquoise Color. They are given below:
- Pale Turquoise (web color) (Hex: #AFEEEE) (RGB: 175, 238, 238)
- Turquoise Blue (Hex: #00FFEF) (RGB: 0, 255, 239)
- Bright Turquoise (Hex: #08E8DE) (RGB: 8, 232, 222)
- TURQUOISE (web color) (Hex: #40E0D0) (RGB: 64, 224, 208)
- Medium Turquoise (web color) (Hex: #48D1CC) (RGB: 72, 209, 204)
- Deep Turquoise (web color Dark Turquoise) (Hex: #00CED1) (RGB: 0, 206, 209)
Process Flow Chart for 100% Cotton Knit Fabric (Turquoise Color):
Turquoise is very sensitive color. Its wash fastness is not good. Dyeing process of turquoise color is slightly difference from other color process.
Fabric loaded
Treating with anti-creasing agent (Room temperature) ↓
Adding detergent ↓
Adding Antifoaming agent ↓
Caustic dosing (dosing 6min) ↓
Peroxide dosing (60˚c; 5min) ↓
Run time 1 hour 95˚c ↓
Sample check ↓
If ok ↓
Drain out ↓
Normal hot (70˚c,10min) ↓
Drain ↓
Adding Peroxide Killer ↓
Run time 55˚c, 10min ↓
Adding Acetic Acid ↓
Run time 10min 55˚c (ph-4.5) ↓
Adding enzyme ↓
Run time 1hour, 55˚c ↓
Enzyme hot- 70˚c, 10min ↓
Drain ↓
Filling in the tank (run time 5min) ↓
Rinsing -4min ↓
Drain ↓
Filling in the tank ↓
Adding Leveling, Antifoaming & Anti-creasing agent (R.T.) ↓
10min run time (R.T.) ↓
10min run time (60˚c) ↓
Color dosing-30min ↓
10min run ↓
½ Salt dosing-5min ↓
½ Salt dosing -5min ↓
Runtime -25min (60˚c) ↓
Sample check ↓
Soda dosing (2 g/l; 20min) ↓
Remaining Soda dosing (30min) ↓
20 min run ↓
Temp rise 80˚c ↓
Run time-1 hour ↓
Rinsing-5min ↓
Drain ↓
Filling in the tank ↓
Run time (RT) ↓
Drain ↓
Filling in the tank ↓
Normal hot (60˚c,10min) ↓
Sample check ↓
Drain ↓
Adding Acetic Acid (room temp ,run time-30min) ↓
Sample check ↓
Drain ↓
Filling in the tank ↓
Adding soaping agent (90˚c, run-10 min) ↓
Drain ↓
Sample check ↓
Filling in the tank ↓
Rinsing (5min room tem) ↓
Drain ↓
Filling in the tank ↓
Run time (5min, room tem) ↓
Drain ↓
Filling in the tank ↓
Dosing-fixing agent (15min) ↓
Run time (20min, room tem) ↓
Sample check ↓
Drain ↓
Filling in the tank ↓
Dosing softener (5min) ↓
Run time (20min,room tem) ↓
Sample check ↓
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