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Monday 2 September 2013

Calculation of Draft Constant

Name of the experiment: 
                                           Calculation of draft, draft constant and draft in each zone of the ring frame.

Objects: 1) To find out draft, draft constant of the ring frame.
2) To find out draft of each zone of the ring frame.

M/C specifications: 

  • RPM of the motor =1440
  • Dia of the motor pulley = 5”
  • Dia of the tin cylinder pulley = 10.5”
  • Dia of the tin cylinder = 10”
  • Dia of the wharve = 1.125”
  • No of teeth of fibre wheel = 42T
  • No of teeth of front roller driving wheel = 98T
  • Dia of the front roller = 1”
Gearing diagram:
Figure :- Gearing Diagram of Drafting Zone of Speed Frame Machine 
Calculation of draft, draft constant and draft of each zone of the ring frame: 

Conclusion: Ring frame is the final and very important machine for build the yarn onto bobbin in a form suitable for storage, transportation and processing. It is used to twist the drafted strand to form yarn of required count and strength.


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